About Us

Our aim as a group of local residents is to produce clean, locally produced energy and help combat climate change. Our first project is to erect a community-owned wind turbine in the heart of Mid Devon is still at the next stage of planning.

One area was chosen as it is the nearest site to a connecting substation (to take the power generated) and Mid Devon District Council has, in its previous local plan, identified the area as a place suitable for wind power to be generated.

Our aim as a group

Our aim is to provide an opportunity for the people of Mid Devon to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and to make a significant contribution to tackling climate change for the sake of future generations.

We aim to provide funds for community projects over a 20 year period, from the sale of electricity.

We aim to provide funds for community projects over a 20 year period, from the sale of electricity.

We aim to provide cheaper electricity to households and businesses.*

We aim to provide a safe, green, ethical, investment opportunity for local people with a good projected return.

*This will depend very much on legislation such as the Local Electricity Bill, currently in discussion by Parliament, whereby small generating companies would be able to sell to local people at a lower rate than the major providers.

If you have any suggestions for schemes / projects please inform the committee.

Community Projects

This is a not for profit project and when all the expense of site hire, maintenance costs, investor share return, money kept back for decommissioning are paid, then the remainder will to put into community projects. This community fund is projected to run for a period of 20 years or more but will start when the turbine is generating electricity.

Proposed Locations

Our aim is to provide an opportunity for the people of Mid Devon to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and to make a significant contribution to tackling climate change for the sake of future generations.

Our first project is to erect a community-owned wind turbine in Mid Devon.

The area was chosen as it is the nearest site to a connecting substation (to take the power generated) and Mid Devon District Council has, in its previous local plan, identified the area as a place suitable for wind power to be generated.

We surveyed residents in 2021 and obtained positive feedback and results. This encouraged us to apply for funding to develop the wind turbine.

Let’s work together.



The name of the society shall be the Heart of Devon Community Energy Limited.


The objects of the Society shall be to carry on any business for the benefit of the community by:
(a) the development, installation, management, operation, generation, transmission and supply of energy from renewable and low carbon energy sources;
(b) the conservation of energy through advice on energy efficiency including energy efficient products and the supply of energy efficient products;
(c) to provide support to community organisations in the locality of any energy project supported by the Society;
(d) the promotion of awareness of environmental and related issues and support for educational initiatives related to renewable energy; and
(e) enabling the local and wider community to share in the ownership of, and contribute to, renewable and low carbon energy generation and energy efficiency initiatives.

Heart of Devon Community Energy Limited Registered Office: Pepperlake Cottage, Morchard Bishop, Crediton, Devon EX17 6SD. Registered in England with the Financial Conduct Authority – Registration Number 8817.